Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quail at the house

The last time I saw quail at my house was three years ago when I found a few of them down by the creek.

Tonight I was going outside to grab some wood from the wood shed. as soon as I opened my front door the yard exploded with the sound of quail wings.  They all got up and flew across the street.  I ran around the house tyring to figure out which gun to grab, to be honest I was caught a little off guard. I finally ended up with my 20 gauge 1187 and ran out the door. I didn' even get Remi to help find the quail. I went across the road and saw my first one, it was aways off but I still shot and missed. The next one I dropped. I walked up the draw and a few more flushed that I did not get shots at. Then two in a row got up and I dumped them both. I then went back to the house and got Remi to help my find my downed birds.

As soon as Remi got outside she knew it was time to go to work.  She went into the brush and found the first one I shot and returned it. She then went back into the brush and I lost her. I had no idea where she was or what she was doing. I then realized that she was on point somewhere. I gave her the release command "Get it" I heard her hit the brush and wings start to flush. By the time I picked up the bird it was too far to shoot.  Remi then went off and found the second bird I shot.  I then had her work the area where my third bird went down. She went on a hard lock point.  I could see my downed bird about a foot in front of her in a bush.  She then saw it and returned it.

Remi flushed one more bird but by that time it was too dark to shoot anymore. We made out way back to the house with our bounty, both hoping the quail stick around the house.

1 comment:

  1. That's nice to be able to walk out your front door and shoot some quail! They look delicious.
